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Saturday, January 18, 2014

Recap of our discussion 17th of Sh'vat, 5774 (Parsha Yitro)

This Shabbos we discussed the week’s parsha, Yitro. We discussed why the portion with Yitro coming to visit Moses, occurs before our receiving of the Torah at Mt. Sinai. There were several things we needed to do back then (and also may need to do today) to be ready to receive and/or learn the Torah. Back then, Yitro suggested to Moses that he set up a hierarchical system, so that the Torah could be transmitted to everyone. This system would set up communications, and also free up time for Moses.

In addition to setting up the system as suggested by Yitro, there were other prerequisites and preparations necessary before the Torah could be received. We discussed the splitting of the red sea and how it was a miracle that not only made it possible for us to move forward, it also helped make us aware of Hashem. We also discussed how one of the most important things that we needed back then, (and need today) is a desire and simply wanting to receive and learn Torah. We also discussed specific preparations that were necessary, such as cleaning up and sanctify ourselves.

David lead discussion of how today, simply wanting to receive Torah is a prerequisite. Back around the time of Mt. Sinai, we could see the miracles and this increased our motivation. We should also open our eyes and see the miracles that take place today as well.

We discussed how just like back then, today we also need to have a hierarchy for learning Torah and become observant. This hierarchy within our community makes sure that we are not setting the bar too high for anyone, while at the same time making sure that expectations are high enough that a good amount of progress can be made by those who want it. The hierarchy should be set up, so that anyone has the opportunity to climb the ladder and rise up within our community of Torah scholars. The important thing is to have gradual stairs that one can climb. If those who are new to Torah are expected to make the leap from a secular lifestyle to that of a Torah observant Jew in one step, they may give up and simply do nothing. We should set things up and structure our community and Torah learning so that progress can be made one step at a time.

In this week’s parsha we receive the 10 commandments, including the commandment to not worship idols. We discussed the differences between being an atheist and one who worship’s idols. It was suggested that it may be easier to change someone who worships idols, because at least they believe in a power that is greater than man.

This is a summary of what we discussed this past Shabbos. No Halachic rulings are intended or should be inferred.

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