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Sunday, February 22, 2015

Recap for 2 Adar 5775 (Parsha Mishpatim)

This Shabbos we discussed parsha Mishpatim.  Ronnie talked about the meaning of the temple in Israel, and how we build shuls in our own communities. Ronnie shared about how our shuls are  places where we feel closeness to hashem and can experience a spiritual elevation. Ronnie spoke about Dr. Fink, and how much he contributed so that we could have our shul here in our community.

There are some reminders that I have been asked to include in the notes.  First, please be very careful and responsible on Purim. There have been tragedies in our community and elsewhere. Please either drink or drive but not both. Please set responsible limits, and do not take risks just because it is Purim. Second, thank you to those who came to the early minyan this Shabbos. Please consider coming on Shabbos to the early minyan and helping out. If you can not come, please help tell others about the early minyan. Also, coming on time, which is 7 AM SHARP, helps ensure we have enough guys to proceed, and is much appreciated.

Norm mentioned that the yahrzeit for his father, Baruch Elyiahou, will be this coming Tuesday evening, 6 Adar, and Wednesday.  I looked our recap from 6 Adar 5773.  Back then Norm talked about how his Dad worked very hard in the garment district of New York.  Norm spoke about meeting his Dad at the train station with an umbrella, and how his dad was very loving and generous opening up his home for lodging and meals to anyone.

This Shabbos, Norm talked about how we often receive the solution before the problem occurs. The structure we were building was the solution to the spiritual void that would later be felt.  However, when Moshe ascended Mt. Sinai, instead of turning towards this solution, we committed the sin of the Goden Calf.

Seth shared with us some of his thoughts on our history. We did a lot of complaining after we left Egypt. Seth shared that we have a choice, either to complain and expect others to give us things, or to be grateful and to focus on being of value and giving to others.  Seth shared that happiness comes from giving and being of value.   This is related to what we have discussed at prior learnings - how we each have a position on the team. If we can determine what our position is and play it to the best of our ability, this will get us to a place in our life where we are helping others, and feel like we are of value, in a way that is consistent with Hashem’s plans.  

We welcome Dave W back from his trip to Israel. Dave mentioned how he has not been to Israel in a long time, and the amazing experience it was for him to return to Israel. Dave shared how he has a daughter in Israel who has lived there for some time. Dave talked about all the different places he visited including Safed, Tiberias, Jerusalem and Tel Aviv. Dave mentioned that a big highlight of his trip, was seeing people he knows from Memphis, in Israel. Norm mentioned how his son Bryan who has the same birthday as me, March 1, is in Israel. And we know that David S has 3 sons living in Israel. We missed David this Shabbos but very glad he is with his sons in Israel.

Dave K mentioned that during the service it is sometimes difficult to not lose focus and start thinking about the weeks issues and activities. We have discussed in our learnings how we need to get ready for Shabbos. Part of this getting ready is taking care of things during the week to the best of our ability. Perhaps another part of getting ready for Shabbos, is practicing mindfulness during the week so we have more experience doing this on a day like Shabbos which is most important to us.

As we recall from last Shabbos, mindfulness involves the focusing on the here and now.  Those who get good at meditation perhaps practice this the best.  Norm continued sharing on this topic, of how mindfulness can help us in many ways.  If we are trying to make changes, taking things one day at a time can help us break large tasks into small pieces which are not as overwhelming to us.  I once saw a movie - in which taking baby steps helped a person achieve his goals.  But it was not only taking baby steps, but only focusing on each baby step at a time.  

Norm also shared his thoughts concerning the differences between pain and suffering. Pain is something that happens to us, whereas suffering is something we do to ourselves.  Seth was sharing how we did some suffering to ourselves when we left Egypt and were complaining all the time. If we tell ourselves over and over again how horrible things are, we create our own suffering. And then if we expect others to help us as we do nothing, we ensure that our suffering is going to continue.  On the other hand if we look at “bad” things as opportunities, or focus our thoughts on what we are grateful for, we may still experience pain but won’t be creating suffering for ourselves.

This is a summary of what we discussed.  No Halachic rulings are intended or should be inferred. 

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